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:: Vacha – Sweet Flag ::

Benefits of Vacha - Sweet Flag ::

Vacha – Sweet Flag
Sweet Flag is a greatly valued herb in Ayurveda, as its stimulating aroma rejuvenates the brain and the nervous system. It is also effective against digestive disorders. Ayurveda refers to Acorus calamus as ‘vacha’ which literally means ‘Speech’. Vacha is known to stimulate the power of self-expression and intelligence. It is one of the most renowned herb used as a rejuvenative for the brain and nervous system. Charaka samhitha, the Ayurvedic text, has categorized the herb as ‘lekhaniya’ – drug capable of removing fat. Vacha is also said to nourish the activity of ‘sadhaka pitta’- the metabolic fire of the nervous system, thereby specifically strengthens acquisition and memory.
The herb is chiefly employed for digestive problems such as gas, bloating, colic, and poor digestive function since it helps distended and uncomfortable stomach and headaches associated with weak digestion. It is one of the ingredients of any Ayurvedic preparation which is indicated in epilepsy, coma, and hysteria and in cases of mental retardation. Native tribes used Sweet flag to treat a cough, made a decoction as a carminative and as an infusion for cholic.
Sweet flag is used as a nervine tonic for children, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, carminative, anthelmentic, anti-spasmodic and nervine sedative. It is also used to cure intermittent fevers, asthma and bronchitis, chronic diarrohea in children, chronic rheumatism, epilepsy, hysteria and insanity due to kapha. The plant is externally used to treat skin eruptions, rheumatic pains and neuralgia. Warm sweet flag tea works to soothe sore throat, when drunk warm or gargled with.
Vacha or Acorus calamus is a ingredient used in Ayusante Anxiom Forte which calms the mind, improves memory, removing anxiety, depression and mental fatigue, Naturally..!
Scientific name – Acorus calamus Linn.
Ayusante life – Living the Ayurvedic Way!
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:: Lokesh G ::
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